A Complete Step By Step Process Of Tarot Card Reading

A Complete Step By Step Process Of Tarot Card Reading

At the beginning of acquaintance with fortune-telling on tarot cards, beginners and fortune-tellers always have the question: “How to read tarot cards? What is the process of tarot card reading?”. The fundamental principle underlying the interpretation of reading Tarot cards is simple. Each card contains one aspect of the answer. The interpretation of the meaning of the card occurs by summing the meaning of the card and the position it has.

A person who makes readings and gives answers to your questions through Tarot cards or looks into the future and the past is called a tarot reader, fortuneteller, and a person who has asked for a prediction, for an answer to a question, is called a querent.

How To Start?

So, you have laid out the tarot cards and are ready to begin the interpretation. However, remember that in order to get interpretations, and advice with Tarot requires a slightly different interpretation than with other types of communication. Instead of showing what might happen or is happening, the cards suggest what action to take and what decision to make.

As a rule, we follow the advice of the cards, acting on the stage that they represent. We address them in a concrete life situation, in the case about which we ask for advice. At the same time, we take into account illustrations and symbolism, a sequence of cards, their numerological and other meanings, which are due to various traditions and systems of interpretation of Tarot cards. All this sounds too complicated, but in the following descriptions of the cards there is more detailed information; as you gain experience, you will better understand the main meaning of the card. The possibilities depend on the type of question asked. It is necessary to choose the most suitable for your case proposals. Use intuition and common sense to find ways to continue using this advice in your life.

Much more can be said about the interpretation of the Tarot cards. There are many situations where interpretations can be applied, and many more levels of interpretation can be found.

The interpretation of tarot cards is advice, do not claim it to be the last word. Nothing bad will happen if you decide not to follow them (or any advice from the tarot cards at all). If for any reason you disagree with one or another interpretation, listen to your intuition. Trust your feelings! Tarot interpretations, like dream interpretations, are very personal things. Symbols and prototypes of the Tarot represent the usual human properties and actions, each person reacts to them differently. The suggestions for interpretations and actions given are only general guidelines. They are designed to help you clarify position and capabilities. You may prefer to do what the cards advise, or do things your own way. Interpretation can show you possible way, but not obligatory actions. There are many interpretations that are appropriate for your situation, but good advice is not always easy to implement - it all depends on the circumstances.

Often it is worthwhile to present yourself as the central figure of the card in order to better understand the course of action. Some applications of cards are obvious and easy to interpret, especially if you understand the hints of card images. Even if the card carries bad omens, there are ways to use it for advice. You may be in a situation that requires sharper, more aggressive actions. If more abstract cards fall out, we, having set a definite goal, can also get their meanings.

How To Read Tarot Cards

How To Read Tarot Cards

Here is the step by step process of tarot card reading:

#1. How To Sit

The fortuneteller and the querent sit opposite to each other. All layouts that are given are positioned so that the top of the card is directed toward the querent, and the bottom is toward the fortuneteller. If you are guessing for yourself personally, the top of the cards is also from you, and the bottom is towards you.

#2. How To Shuffle The Cards

Making sure that all the cards in the deck are stacked in the same way (shirts up), the fortuneteller shuffles the deck and puts it on the table. Then the querent picks up the deck with his/her left hand (if the person is left-handed, then with their right hand). Some cards are upside down. But if the coup happened by chance, then you just need to straighten the card and interpret it as usual.

#3. How To Put The Question

Querent asks the fortuneteller to answer a specific question with the help of Tarot. Before fortune-telling on the Tarot cards, it is necessary to clearly formulate the question to which you want to get an answer. A correctly formulated question will enable you to get an accurate and detailed insight into what you are seeking.

#4. How To Lay Out The Cards

For each scenario, there are different rules. Each fortune telling on the Tarot cards has its own way. The fortuneteller lays out the cards in the sequence specified for the deal and in the prescribed manner.

#5. How To Open The Cards

The fortune teller reveals the cards lying face down, not unfolding along the axis, and, leaving them in place, interprets the Tarot cards one by one. In tarot cards for beginners it is sometimes easier to open all the cards at once to see them together, and then proceed to their interpretation of the whole picture of fortune telling on tarot cards. Thus, the meaning of subsequent cards helps to determine the value of the previous ones. In fact, there are no approved rules, and if a fortune teller is more comfortable using this technique, then they can apply it without any hesitation.

Divination with Tarot Life

In fortune-telling on the Tarot cards, Tarot Life uses different techniques of spreads. There are a lot of questions that can be asked from Tarot cards, and the app can adapt its technique with the help of layouts to answer all. Each spread allows you to use a different interpretation technique: some of the layouts are very effective for general information in fortune telling, others for a detailed prediction.

So, reading Tarot cards in different spreads gives different information, the main thing is to know how to read it. In Tarot Life you will be presented with different layouts for fortune telling, from the love tarot reading to finance reading.

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